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Ejercicio 4 de Inglés Online

Pon a prueba tu nivel de inglés. También puedes hacer nuestro Test de Nivel de Inglés.

  1. She owns ________ shop over there.
  2. She owns ________ shops over there.
  3. It won’t be finished ________ week, but you’ll have it by Monday.
  4. Would you rather take ________ place next to me or ________ one?
  5. Would you and your husband rather take ________ places next to me or ________ ?
  6. Forget it! he shouted, and with _____ words he left.
  7. Be careful! ________ knife I’m holding is sharp.
  8. May I introduce you? _____ is Mr. and Mrs. Floyd.
  9. May I introduce you? ________ are the Floyds.
  10. ________ man over there is a doctor.
  11. ________ men over there are doctors.
  12. ________ Sunday, when we went for a ride in the car, was wonderful.
  13. ________ Sundays, when went for rides in the car, were wonderful.
  14. Let’s go out for a meal ________ coming Friday.
  15. Let’s go out for a meal one of ________ days.
  16. ________ was a funny thing to say.
  17. ________ were funny things to say.

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